First off, I’m so glad you’re here. Feed After Midnight is a Substack destination that I hope you’ll come to often, and where you’ll engage with me and other subscribers to create a community of readers.
If you’d like to know a little bit more about the back story of why I’ve created this site, check out my Welcome Post.
I thought it might be helpful to give an overview of the different things I’ll be writing about and the regular Feature Content you’ll be getting as a subscriber.
The broad Section Pages are the typical navigation you see across the Home Page. Think of that as a broad category, like Politics, Movies, or TV.
In a perfect world I’d be able to add sub navigation that allows you to jump to get the kind of Feature Content you want most in that category. That would be like a typical shopping site: HOME GOODS > Kitchen > Appliances.
But, alas, that functionality isn’t available. What I’ve done to try to make finding content as easy as possible is to put the name of regular features in headlines. I hope that once you see them a few times it will allow you to spot them on the home page where there’s a mix of everything, scanning the Section Pages, and on the Archive Page.
Here’s the overview going from left to right across the navigation:
The sci-fi pun in the name kinda says it all about where we are, right?
This is your primary destination for all things political, which covers a lot of territory. It will be pretty clear based on the photo and headline when you see a political story. But, I’ve added some Feature names for content I’ll be posting on the regular.
A longer piece on a particular topic of interest which should be obvious from the rest of the headline.
Think of this as longer than a typical social media post, but shorter and less nuanced and researched than an essay. Tone could be desperate, profane, sad, or hopeful given the state of things.
As I add more content I’m I’ll be adding some other Feature names covering subjects like MEDIA, ELECTIONS, MONEY, and ACTIVISM. This is likely to expand more than any other Section Page on the site and (beyond measuring your likes) I’d love your input on what to investigate and write about.
This is my main work of the coming weeks — a multi-part series of essays on where I think we are, and where we need to go.
I’m going to create a specific primer on this section. Not to get in the weeds, but beyond pinning one story on your homepage, you really can’t put content in the order you want here. That makes it hard for users to read through essays in the right order.
This is where I’m posting a ton of free memes and GIFs that people can download/screenshot and share on their own social media pages.
I’ll be posting them in batches and simply naming each batch based on the content. It might be a mixed bag, or it could be on a specific topic, say gun control.
Think of this as sort of a catch-all under the category of life. Pretty broad, huh? This could be anything from a personal essay to thoughts and observations on our daily lives. As this section expands I’ll probably be adding some Feature names to organize it a bit.
As the prefix indicates this is the movie section, whether you’re watching them in a theater or from your couch.
Right now, I have two main features in this section. REVIEW is exactly what is says, while …AND SCENE is an occasional series dissecting amazing scenes in films I love. On the occasion of their rotation I’ll also be sharing selections from my movie poster collection, just because the posters are cool.
Expect more Features to be added as I get rolling.
This is the world of streaming television. For the moment I have TV and WATCH IT as feature names. TV is a catch-all, while the latter is long or short reviews of shows to watch. Or avoid. More coming here, too!
Music, music, music.
MUSIC is the catch-all that can’t quite be categorized. Could be a Top Ten or an essay on something related to the subject. CONCERTS is a short review and maybe a video of a particular concert I’ve seen over the years. Could also be include a Spotify set-list you can grab.
MUSIC MONDAY is a full album Spotify post on — you guessed it — Mondays. With my cable news sharply curtailed since the election, I’ve been making a point to listen to more full albums. It could be something new or something I haven’t listened to for years. Hopefully, some of them might brighten up the beginning of your work week.
PLAYLIST is an album or Spotify “mix tape” I think is worth sharing. Likely combined with some sort of rambling about the playlist or artist.
LISTEN UP is the review feature under music which will (obviously) include a Spotify embed of the album in question.
This is the travel section. There will be a lot of photography that might interest you. Also planning on writing up thoughts and tip on future destinations.
Might go back and hit old trips too. Still pondering the naming of Features in this section. When I nail it I hope it makes sense.
The puns keep coming!
This is the section that houses both SCREENPLAYS and NOVELS I’ve either written or am working on. As I get closer to the final edits of my first completed novel I’ll probably add more Features about it.
That’s about it.
As I fill in some of the blanks I’ll update this page to reflect those changes. So, you’ll likely not notice.